While things have been uncertain in the world due to coronavirus, the PIMS team have worked safely to ensure that our clients important projects continue developing. Just two examples of this are the two large projects we have continued to make great progress on. These are the University Hospital Bristol and Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust for VITAL Energi.
During the month of October, we are pleased to have finished the installation of steam to LTHW skids and steam pipework at NHS Tayside and their important Children’s Theatre. We have also been supporting a local food factory called Greenyard Food, with their waste to Energy plant room.
We are pleased to announce that we have been successful in securing new work at Imperial College London.
As you can see it’s been a busy few months for the team at PIMS. You can see more details on the projects we have been working on below;
University Hospital Bristol
The team here at PIMS are now on-site commissioning and completing final dispersed plantroom connections as the project comes to a close. The project as a whole consisted of a 3.3mw CHP Engine, a 8 Tonne Steam Combination and large bore piped services. These piped services included Pumpsets, Deaerator and roof mounted Dry Air Coolers that were added to the existing Energy Centre. The energy distribution for the project at University Hospital Bristol included the connection to LTHW district heating pipework that was serving substantial hospital plant rooms.

University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust
The largest platform of the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has now been successfully delivered to site. Erected, this platform is an 11m x 7.2m structure. The platform was required for this project to house the CHP large exhaust gas heat exchanger and 2 No. plate heat exchangers. Each of these exchangers are over 1mw capacity.
We also have the high scaffolding in place for the works on the CHP flue. This part of the project includes the installation of a horizontal 5m secondary silencer on a low-level roof. This is for the CHP exhaust gas heat exchanger that will be in the energy centre. Once this is complete, the 600mm twin wall flue will be installed. This will be done using this access scaffolding.

Tayside Children’s Theatre
The final works are being carried out on Tayside Children’s Theatre. This has included steam distribution and LTHW pipework to the prefabricated plate heat exchangers and pump set. Once given the go ahead, our team will be able to commission and connect to the SCADA system. This is ready to energise this important facility at Dundee’s Tayside Hospital.
Greenyard Foods
The team here at PIMS are really pleased to be working with a new client locally. They are called Greenyard Foods. We have been providing some additional access into their waste to energy plantroom. Our expert team have also been carrying out modifications to steam distribution pipework.
Imperial College, London
Our technical specialists have started the detailed design of a tight prefabricated plantroom for the Imperial College Queens Gate. We will post a selection of the workshop fabrication details as the project progresses.
Keep an eye on our future blogs to see these projects as they progress and the new projects we begin work on.